We envision a world where the vibrant diversity of earth’s people collaborate on equal footing to care for the planet.

Credit: Neil and Zulma Scott


We partner with women to create a healthy planet for the benefit of all life.

Credit: New Course



Be inclusive.

We value diverse perspectives, cultures and worldviews. We work to understand our own identities and privileges and create physical and psychological safety for all those we work with.


Act with, and for, many generations.

We work toward sustainable outcomes with deep roots, even if they take more time. We consider the weight of our decisions on behalf of past, present and future generations. We ensure the voices of multiple generations shape our solutions.

Share power.

We value collaboration over competition and invest in deep relationships. We seek to give a platform to historically excluded voices. There is no “right way.” We share responsibility in generating solutions and embrace transparency.


Honor our wisdom.

This means we honor our individual and collective wisdom. We communicate with appreciation and respect. We practice active listening and mindful speech. We impart generosity, love and healing to ourselves, to each other, to the past and to the planet.

Credit: David Marcu